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Described as “a trumpet player trapped in a two dimensional universe”, Australia’s Lucas Abela (aka Justice Yeldham) is a maverick musician with an unhealthy obsession: sheets of broken glass. Initially classed as a turntablist, his work has rarely resembled anything in the field. Early approaches saw him circling the medium conceptually: bounding on electro acoustic trampolines, stabbing vinyl with Krueger-esque stylus gloves, drag racing the pope across the Sydney Harbour Bridge, performing duets with amplified samurai swords, being hospitalised by high powered turntables constructed from sewing machine motors, recording chance John Peel sessions with the Flaming Lips, and so on… Today these turntable roots have became almost unrecognisable, the diamond tipped needles having morphed into large sheets of broken glass vibrated by his mouth. Employing a wide range of vocal techniques on the crude, unusual instrument, Abela’s performances, which he’s mounted in over 40 countries in his long and storied career, defies categorization with aplomb.